BUV = Basic Utility Vehicle
The BUV is a solution to improve the effectiveness of medical mission work in rural Africa and other countries where lack of adequate transportation directly affects the delivery of necessary health care. Go to BUV Ministry at www.drivebuv.org. Where needed, we seek to offer this resource.
Presently, we have one African based BUV manufacturing plant and that is in Tanzania. Our goal is to set up BUV Liberia similar to BUV Tanzania. Go to www.BUVTanzania.com or their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/buvtanzania.
Let me (Ron) know if you wish to learn more about this very valuable resource. I am seeking to establish a BUV Factory in Liberia with www.SEEDLiberia.org and other organizations.
Our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/BUVLiberia.
We welcome your help with this project.
EVIDENCE THAT OUR PLAN WILL WORK: Here is a program identical to ours but using a different vehicle. Our BUV is a superior off road agricultural / tractor more suitable for the rural areas of Africa.
Liberia: USAID FED, MOA Distribute U.S.$147k Tuk Tuks to Farmers
Source: http://allafrica.com/stories/201509241626.html / September 23, 2015
The tuk tuk is a modern form of agricultural transportation that has the capacity to carry 1,500 kilograms of load when fully loaded.
The consignment is worth US$147,000.
According to a USAID FED press release, the machines were acquired under a 50 percent (50%) cost share arrangement to be borne by the youth.
At a recent program in Suakoko, Bong County, FED noted that the initiative is aimed at creating employment opportunities for youth in Liberia’s agriculture sector.
It is also intended to promote sustainable provision of mechanized services for transporting cassava and rice from the farm gate to the market to be sold.
Additionally, the 49 youth, 20 of whom are engaged in rice value chain and 29 in cassava production, will bear the cost of meeting the operational and maintenance costs as well as pay 50% of the cost of the machine as part of their cost share arrangement.
The exercise follows a labor market assessment conducted in 2012 by the USAID Advancing Youth Project (AYP) which identified the informal economy in Liberia is a significant source of employment opportunities for young people.
The USAID FED Liberia Program aims to reduce hunger and promote food security for Liberians through increased agricultural productivity and profitability in rice, cassava, vegetables and goat value chains and is being implemented in Bong, Nimba, Lofa, Grand Bassa, Margibi and Montserrado Counties, the release added.